Nourishing Our Cute Companions: A Mindful Guide To Feed Dogs

Feeding your dog is an important part of building a strong bond with them. However, it's crucial to understand that each dog is unique and has different dietary needs, such as portion size, frequency of meals, and optimal feeding times. To ensure the best feeding schedule for your dog, keep in mind the advice below.
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How often should we feed our dogs?

Feeding your dog in a healthy manner has various options to consider. It's worth exploring different feeding styles to find the one that suits both your dog and your family best. There are generally 4 feeding frequencies below:

  • Twice a day feeding: Most adult dogs only require two meals a day, ideally spaced 8-12 hours apart. This method aligns with your own breakfast and dinner times, making your dog feel like part of the family.
  • Free feeding: This method involves leaving food out all day for your dog to graze on whenever it's hungry. It works well for dogs that are a healthy weight and not food obsessed. However, it's not recommended for diabetic dogs or households with multiple pets.
  • Timed feeding: With this method, you give your dog a specific amount of time, such as 30-45 minutes, to finish its meal. This can be beneficial if your dog is a slow or lazy eater but you don't want to leave food out all day.
  • Slow feeding: If your dog tends to inhale its food quickly, using a slow eating dog bowl can help. This slows down their eating pace, reducing the risk of vomiting, excess gas, and bloat. Particularly recommended for deep-chested, large breeds that are more prone to bloat.
How often should we feed our dogs?

How much food should we give our dogs for each meal?

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The amount of food your dog needs depends on factors such as size, breed, age, and exercise level, as well as the type of food. Commercial dog food bags usually have a label with recommended feeding amounts based on your dog's size and weight. On average, most dogs require about 25 to 30 calories per pound per day to maintain their weight.

For a more precise approach, you can follow this two-step process:

  • Research your dog's estimated adult weight, which you can find on the American Kennel Club's breed weight chart.
  • Use a calorie calculator to determine your dog's recommended calorie intake based on their ideal weight (from step 1) and activity level.
How much food should we give our dogs for each meal?

Other Tips And Tricks For Feeding Dogs

  • If your dog is overweight, consider feeding them a diet kibble designed to make them feel fuller. Adding a small amount of low-calorie vegetables like kale, pumpkin, carrot, and green beans can also help reduce their hunger levels.
  • Dog treats should make up 5% to 10% or less of your dog's daily diet. Treats used for training should be separate from your dog's daily portion of kibble and offered in small pieces.
  • Ensure your dog always has access to fresh, clean drinking water.
  • Avoid exercising your dog immediately before or after meals to reduce the risk of bloat.
Other Tips And Tricks For Feeding Dogs

The Vital Role Of Owner Care In Pet Wellness

Find Your Furry Friend

Take into consideration whether your canine companion may be yearning for an abundance of affection and attention, rather than solely satiating their hunger. Tendering additional love and attention is a priceless, effortless endeavor that profoundly improves the well-being of your beloved furry friend.

For young pups, the companionship of their owner holds utmost significance. With a finite lifespan of merely a decade or so, their tender hearts yearn earnestly for your unwavering presence and boundless affection.

The Vital Role Of Owner Care In Pet Wellness

Foods And Substances You Should Never Feed Your Dog

  • alcohol
  • avocado
  • bread dough and yeast dough
  • chocolate
  • coconut milk and fresh coconut
  • coffee or caffeine products
  • fruit stones or 'pits' (e.g. mango seeds, apricot stones, avocado stones)
  • garlic
  • grapes, currants, raisins & sultanas (including in fruit cakes)
  • moldy or spoiled foods or compost
  • mushrooms
  • nuts
  • xylitol and other artificial sweeteners

Foods And Substances You Should Never Feed Your Dog

Other Things To Avoid

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Sulphite preservatives in dog food may lead to thiamine (Vitamin B1) deficiency, resulting in severe neurological symptoms and potential fatality. To prevent this, it is advisable to steer clear of sausages, sausage meat, and cooked processed meats, as they often contain sulfite preservatives. 

Additionally, certain pet food products like pet meat, pet mince, pet rolls, and bone items may also be treated with sulphite preservatives for freshness. If convenience dictates the necessity of relying on these food options, be sure to carefully scrutinize the labels and select only high-quality, natural products that are free from preservatives.

Hopefully, you now feel confident that you have all the information you need to properly feed your dog.

Other Things To Avoid

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